To the interviewee/expatriates in general
The new environment. What we have to avoid is to adapt to new environment abroad. In addition to the need to adapt the language already. We must also adapt our living values side. This problem is a big problem that should not be overlooked, but should be careful to understand. Adjusting to the happy. Expect the confused feelings, emotional, sensitive, solitary disheartened. So you must occur within two months of the first, understand that emotions such as these are common. Don't be a quick decision to return home or to school books.
When frustrated or dislike? Ask yourself how we expect to exceed reality or empty, such as thinking that home owners who we are, we must take care with the same as my parents take care of us? Time is a problem, we want to make other people come to ask us before? If we are to expect in something beyond the truth need to reduce expectations down. Study and understand the thoughts of those around us, perhaps we could be friends, we learn that a certain behavior that is inappropriate or insulting in our eyes. Do not express a conclusion that his intention was not pure, because it is normal practice in the society of his own as a man revealed. Don't think small, think at least listen and accept differences, not prejudices.