Therefore, Sahoo et al. [24] have recommended the use of evacuated cavities to minimize convection losses. Garcia et al. [25] have listed the different codes for solar flux calculation
dedicated to central receiver system (CRS) applications. Their study has permitted them to classify the calculation codes into two categories, corresponding to two types of problems encountered in studies on CSP technologies: the first category is about the optimization
codes used to design installation projects such as HFLCAL, UHC-RCELL, or (WIN) DELSOL and the second one represents the performance analysis codes to assess optical performances of a
given installation like FIAT LUX, MIRVAL, UHC-NS or IH, or SOLTRACE. Buck et al. [26] have proposed a new dual-receiver concept for solar towers, using the open volumetric receiver technology. The results have shown several benefits of the new concept, especially higher thermal efficiency of the receiver, lower receiver temperature and lower parasitic losses. Wei et al. [27] have developed a new computing code, based on new method, for the design of heliostat field layout (HFLD) for solar tower power plant. In the new method, the field boundary is constrained by the receiver geometrical aperture and an efficiency factor.