Let me go, at once, with this crime you won't get away!"
Still half stunned from the terror, Bernadette de Tranceval fought against the hard grip of the soldiers who dragged her down into the dungeon of her own castle. Minutes before she had been forced to watch the cruel murder of her father and brothers, the slaughter of the few guards in the hall... the banquette to the honor of Simon de Montford and his crusader army, who chose Narbonne as meeting point for their crusade against the Cathars, had changed into a bloodbath.
"Oh my dear Marquise, you should know that a crusade frees the good catholic from all the sins he had done so far." Laughing Simon de Montford followed his soldiers and the beautiful prisoner downstairs. "and also the Pope himself has ordered, that the land of the Heretics fells in the hand of the brave crusaders who send them to hell!"
"But we are no Cathars, and my family has friends at the court as you know very well!" Furiously she struggled, but of course she had no chance and found herself shackled to the iron bars of a prison cell.
"At least your uncle, Roger de Tranceval, is a well known heretic, and I'm very sure, you will confess rather soon, that you and your family are heretics as well; Master Arnaud has the proper methods to get such confessions."
Still laughing his hands glided along the skirt of the Marquise, her legs and pressed the cloth against her sex, until a sudden furious kick send him down to the floor.
"Keep your hands away from me, you murderer!"
His angry gaze stopped the laughers of his soldiers, and then without a sign of warning his fist hit her face with brutal force, made her head punch against the bars behind her and made her almost faint.
"You'd better learn quickly that you haven't anything to command anymore!" He raised her head and Bernadette felt the warm streams of blood running rum her nose and from her mouth while his fingers played with the soft lips and his sword lifted her skirt between the legs, higher and higher until the cold steel touch her sex, revealing her thighs to the greedy looks of the surrounding men.
Forced on her tiptoes and the arms hold by the iron shackles, Bernadette couldn't do anything, when her precious dress was torn in pieces with some quick moves.
"Do you understand better now?"