There is a great need to develop a broaden vision of educational goals and to build national capacity in
developing key competencies required of all learners through curriculum in the 21st century.
Curriculum change has become increasingly important, inasmuch as it is essential that what students
learn is relevant to them as individuals and members of society, in their present and future contexts. It lies at the
center of educational processes in enabling learners to become not only successful learning achievers at school
but also responsible citizens, effective workers, caring community members, and life-long learners, in an
increasingly independent world.
To face the challenge, thus, shifting in higher education curriculum has been constructed since 2002
when competency based curriculum was suggested to be used in higher education (Education Minister Decree
No. 045/U/2002) which reflects the four pillars of education proposed by UNESCO (1996:86-94): learning to
know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. However, the challenge seems to be neglected
when it comes to teaching. Lectures are delivered in traditional way without considering the four pillars.
Therefore, this paper is intended to answer the challenge by implementing cooperative learning (CL) to
promote the four pillars of learning: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to