It can be concluded that within the range of CBZ immediate release tablets that have a qualitative composition
comparable to the products studied (Table 1), dissolution
testing according to the USP method and speci®cation is a
reliable predictor of bioequivalence. Thus, this method and
speci®cation can be used to evaluate bioequivalence
between brands and within one brand, and also changes in
manufacturing site, storage time, storage condition, and
composition of products, without performing in vivo
It can be concluded that within the range of CBZ immediate release tablets that have a qualitative compositioncomparable to the products studied (Table 1), dissolutiontesting according to the USP method and speci®cation is areliable predictor of bioequivalence. Thus, this method andspeci®cation can be used to evaluate bioequivalencebetween brands and within one brand, and also changes inmanufacturing site, storage time, storage condition, andcomposition of products, without performing in vivo
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