(i) Accelerate the full implementation of the National Single Windows (NSWs) for ASEAN-6 as soon as
possible, noting that the deadline for the establishment of NSWs in ASEAN-6 was 2008, and for CLMV
in 2012.
(ii) Activate and operate the ASEAN Single Window in selected ports as early as possible for Member States
who are ready to implement it, and for all ASEAN Member States, by 2015.
(iii) Simplify customs procedures, formalities and practices of all Member States with priority on those serving
to a single market and single production base (such as design and operation of outward processing,
inward processing, temporary admission) by 2013 with the target of reducing processing costs by 20
percent by 2013 and by 50 percent by 2015.
(iv) Develop a comprehensive and compatible regulatory framework on customs procedures and border
management operations by 2014.