Dens (11.2% of resting sites) were found in riverbanks under
high shrub cover, and they were mainly located on burrows excavated
by other animals (97.9%), or under tree roots. Most burrows
had been excavated by rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), though genets
were also found in a few occasions in unoccupied red fox and
badger (Meles meles) burrows. Other types of resting sites were
used rarely (1.0%), including rock piles and one habited farmhouse.
From 2291 daily locations recorded during the wet season, there
were 73.1% in tree hollows, 17.5% in nests, and 9.4% in dens. In contrast,
from 1043 daily locations during the dry season, there were
47.6% in tree hollows, 34.1% in nests, and 18.3% in dens.
Dens (11.2% of resting sites) were found in riverbanks underhigh shrub cover, and they were mainly located on burrows excavatedby other animals (97.9%), or under tree roots. Most burrowshad been excavated by rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), though genetswere also found in a few occasions in unoccupied red fox andbadger (Meles meles) burrows. Other types of resting sites wereused rarely (1.0%), including rock piles and one habited farmhouse.From 2291 daily locations recorded during the wet season, therewere 73.1% in tree hollows, 17.5% in nests, and 9.4% in dens. In contrast,from 1043 daily locations during the dry season, there were47.6% in tree hollows, 34.1% in nests, and 18.3% in dens.
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