4. Results and Perspectives
When we want to talk about perspectives about cruise industry, there is a certain expression: Boom. Cruise
industry is expanding with the yearly average of % 14. German cruise companies such as AIDA will have new ships
in the next years; this will increase its bed capacity to 25.000. There are possibilities to make some technical
comments and recommendations:
-From 2015, new ships will use ship diesel instead of refinery oil. CO2 will be reduced with new techniques such
as airbags at chimney of ships.
-The easiest technical precaution is the lowering of speed and using of petroleum with low lead level.
-The obligatory usage of filter system will reduce the air pollution as well.
-With the help of land-electricity connection, ships can turn off their generators. But not all harbours have this
smart system. Renovation of old model of ships can be costly. Gothenburg, Rotterdam and Antwerp have this
infrastructure. A good alternative would also be gas connection but some of ships do not this technical structure