4. ConclusionIn summary, hexagonal ZnO nano rods with different aspectratio have been synthesized via a simple microwave assistedchemical precipitation method successfully. The morphology ofthe synthesized rods greatly depends on the basicity of thereacting solution. The FT-IR spectra confirm the product formation. XRD establishes the phase purity and crystallinity. SEMshows the rod shape of the samples. RTPL spectra of the assynthesized products A2 and A3 show strong UV emission ataround 3.28 eV and 3.26 eV and weak green emission. Thissimple, low cost and surfactant free method could be utilized to synthesis other semiconductors with various morphologies bychanging the time of the MW irradiation.AcknowledgmentThe authors highly acknowledge Dr. R. Srinivasan, Assistan
Professor, Kalasalingam University, Dr. D. Sasireka, Principal, TheS.F.R. College, Sivakasi, Dr. P. Velusamy, Associate Professor andHead, Dept. of Chemistry (UG), Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College
Sivakasi and T. Jeyalaksmi, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, The S.F.R. College, Sivakasi for their continuous support.