significantly fewer normal hearts(=absence of pericardial edema) were observed in the mediumdose group than in the control and low dose groups (Fig. 4A). Thismeant that 12% of the F1 larvae in the medium dose group hadpericardial edema. The F1 medium dose larvae also had the largestsize (Supplemental Fig. 3A) and highest incidence of severe edema(score = 1). Regarding swim bladder defects, the F1 larvae in thehigh dose group had significantly less normal swim bladders thanthe F1 larvae in control and low dose groups (Fig. 4B; SupplementalFig. 3B). While the control and low dose F1 groups had zero inci-dence of yolk sac edema, the F1 larvae in the medium dose grouphad a significantly higher incidence (16%) than any group includingthe F1 high dose group that had a 4% incidence (Fig. 4C). The sizeof the yolk sac edema was not significantly different due to highvariability