Research findings have proven flipped classroom method
to be helpful to improve students‘ achievement at the
University. The use of technology is not something impossible
to be implemented at the university level as the infrastructure
and public facilities are more complete than in schools. Thus,
will the same results be found at the school level?. [12] are
chemistry teachers who implement the flipped classroom
method in a secondary school. The researchers have proven
that the implementation through the use of technology could
be done in rural areas with less technology equipment
compared to urban areas. [12] used Podcasting and Vodcasting
to enable students to access information through self pace
learning. However, for students who do not have access to the
Internet and computer at home, the researchers provided them
with after-school program. After-school program is a program
that provides facilities for student to do self paced learning in
schools. Not only that, students are also provided with pen
drives or CD drives to enable them to do their assignments or
reading outside school. Online and offline learning is also
supported by [20] who said that learning is not necessarily in
the online form, as long as it can be beneficial to students.