Table 2—Continued
Key Question Studies and
Design Overall Quality Consistency Applicability Summary of Findings
Evidence for
change in
HD only: 25
studies, 71 267
CL: 16 studies,
4951 participants
RCT Fair; high I2 value for all
dietary intake metaanalyses;
mostly selfreported
positive Egger result for
total fat dietary intake;
limited evidence beyond
12 mo
Fair; HD and CL
trials were not
consistently by
intensity and
population risk
Good High-intensity counseling resulted
in moderate to large reductions
in self-reported fat intake, a
5.9% to 11% decrease in
energy from total fat, and a
2.8% to 3.7% decrease in
energy from saturated fat.
Low- to medium-intensity
interventions resulted in smaller
changes. Low- to high-intensity
counseling yielded moderate to
large increases in fruit and
vegetable intake ranging from
about 0.4 to 2 servings/d.
4. What are the adverse effects of primary care–relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet in adults?
Evidence for
harms of
activity or
to improve
Trials: 2 studies,
483 participants
studies: 7
studies, 4354
RCT (casecrossover)
Fair; adverse events rarely
reported in trials;
case-crossover design;
difficult to measure
habitual PA; only 1
study reported absolute
risk for cardiac event
during vigorous physical
Good Fair; observational
studies often
limited to
nonfatal cases;
most case
patients were
In 2 trials, almost 25% of
participants reported mild
muscular fatigue, strain, or
soreness. In observational
studies, risk for serious cardiac
events was increased during
vigorous physical activity. This
increased risk was much greater
in people with low levels of
habitual physical activity.
However, the absolute risk for a
cardiac event is very small.
Evidence for
harms of
diet or
to improve
HD only: 25
studies, 71 267
CL: 16 studies,
4951 participants
RCT Fair; explicit adverse events
not reported in trials
Good Good No specific examination of
adverse effects; however, 2
trials showed an increased
intake of carbohydrates with no
increase in overall energy
intake. Overall, few trials
reported dietary intake of
monounsaturated or
polyunsaturated fats,
carbohydrates, or sugars.
CL combined lifestyle counseling; CVD cardiovascular disease; HD healthful diet counseling; HDL high-density lipoprotein; LDL low-density lipoprotein;
PA physical activity counseling; RCT randomized, controlled trial; TOHP Trials of Hypertension Prevention; WHI Women’s Health Initiative.
Table 2—Continued
Key Question Studies and
Design Overall Quality Consistency Applicability Summary of Findings
Evidence for
change in
HD only: 25
studies, 71 267
CL: 16 studies,
4951 participants
RCT Fair; high I2 value for all
dietary intake metaanalyses;
mostly selfreported
positive Egger result for
total fat dietary intake;
limited evidence beyond
12 mo
Fair; HD and CL
trials were not
consistently by
intensity and
population risk
Good High-intensity counseling resulted
in moderate to large reductions
in self-reported fat intake, a
5.9% to 11% decrease in
energy from total fat, and a
2.8% to 3.7% decrease in
energy from saturated fat.
Low- to medium-intensity
interventions resulted in smaller
changes. Low- to high-intensity
counseling yielded moderate to
large increases in fruit and
vegetable intake ranging from
about 0.4 to 2 servings/d.
4. What are the adverse effects of primary care–relevant behavioral counseling interventions for physical activity or healthful diet in adults?
Evidence for
harms of
activity or
to improve
Trials: 2 studies,
483 participants
studies: 7
studies, 4354
RCT (casecrossover)
Fair; adverse events rarely
reported in trials;
case-crossover design;
difficult to measure
habitual PA; only 1
study reported absolute
risk for cardiac event
during vigorous physical
Good Fair; observational
studies often
limited to
nonfatal cases;
most case
patients were
In 2 trials, almost 25% of
participants reported mild
muscular fatigue, strain, or
soreness. In observational
studies, risk for serious cardiac
events was increased during
vigorous physical activity. This
increased risk was much greater
in people with low levels of
habitual physical activity.
However, the absolute risk for a
cardiac event is very small.
Evidence for
harms of
diet or
to improve
HD only: 25
studies, 71 267
CL: 16 studies,
4951 participants
RCT Fair; explicit adverse events
not reported in trials
Good Good No specific examination of
adverse effects; however, 2
trials showed an increased
intake of carbohydrates with no
increase in overall energy
intake. Overall, few trials
reported dietary intake of
monounsaturated or
polyunsaturated fats,
carbohydrates, or sugars.
CL combined lifestyle counseling; CVD cardiovascular disease; HD healthful diet counseling; HDL high-density lipoprotein; LDL low-density lipoprotein;
PA physical activity counseling; RCT randomized, controlled trial; TOHP Trials of Hypertension Prevention; WHI Women’s Health Initiative.
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