Demand Response Studies: Demand response programs
control the operation of certain appliances in homes or
influence their operation through means such as timeof-
use pricing. To predict the effectiveness of a demand
response program, one has to understand, model, and
simulate the household energy consumption characteristics
[8], [9]. Since the home appliances operate in a
probabilistic manner, a large number of Monte Carlo
style simulations are needed to determine the outcome
of demand response programs statistically.
In response to the above needs, this paper proposes a generic
low voltage residential network simulation platform that can
be used to evaluate many of the demand side smart grid ideas
and techniques. The platform takes into account the common
characteristics of the four research areas identified earlier. It
covers an extended simulation period of at least 24 h and has
an output resolution of one snapshot per second. The proposed
concept, to some extent, is similar to that of power
system dispatcher training simulators [10], but the modeling
issues and target applications are completely different.
The dispatcher training simulators simulate the steady-state