Thai Solar Energy Plc (TSE), an MAI-listed subsidiary of Channel 3, is expanding its solar farm business in Japan. The company signed an agreement with its partner Prospec Holdings to develop a 17-megawatt solar farm in Hanamizuki, chief executive Cathleen Maleenont said. The 2-billion-baht project will start operation by 2017 and generate 200 million baht in annual revenue. "TSE set a target to expand our renewable energy business abroad in order to build our generating capacity from solar farms and other renewable energy of up to 300 MW over the next three years," Ms Cathleen said. She said the 17-MW solar farm will increase TSE's total power foreign generating capacity to 42 MW. Some of the projects are already running, while a few others will start operating next year. TSE previously worked with Eco Solar Japan and Prospec to develop a 25-MW solar farm project at a cost of 2.5 billion baht. Ms Cathleen said the project would start operating next year and generate annual revenue of 300 million baht.