Hamburger crisis has also affected the situation of the US leadership in the world economy. Seen from the G20 summit Which has pointed out the role that the decline of the United States. And the increasing influence of new economic powers is likely that the crisis will make the United States and Europe. Will need to focus on solving domestic economic problems. This ensures reduced role on the world stage. And disruption of the financial crisis is making the West can not push a new initiative in the world has
the global economic crisis this is. Not a crisis for all countries. In some countries, it is a golden opportunity And change the crisis into an opportunity, such as China, is in far better position than other countries. The Chinese financial system is a closed system, so it is not affected much by the global financial crisis. China's foreign exchange reserves have reached two billion dollars. As a result, China has become a country with a strong liquidity position in the world. And while nearly all of the country's economy was almost completely negative. But China's economy is likely to pick up
the trend now is the rise of China. While the proportion of the US economy on global economic decline. However, the proportion of China's economy to the global economy have increased. After the crisis, hamburgers slump down or cause a negative impact on global stock markets. Making markets in different countries A stock price index declined dramatically
affect global trade is likely. US economic crisis, which could lead to a recession will make the current policy of trade protectionism in the United States increased dramatically. The United States will likely have a policy against trade protectionism and more liberal in the future. In addition to being affected by the crisis and hamburgers. Other factors are also the result of an increase in the trade deficit of the United States also tend to move work out of the country. Particularly in the industrial sector, including the relocation of services to telecom operators in India. This makes a lot of unemployed Americans
Hamburger impact of the crisis. Has started to affect the exports of the country. Then to the US market US demand for imported goods were reduced significantly as companies Kubota, Japan's vehicle exports tractors to the US market. Exports fell for the Chinese textiles exports to the US were down as well. However, the impact of the crisis Hamburg It depends on whether that country reliant on exports to the US market much. The Asian countries such as Japan, China, Malaysia, mainly Singapore and Thailand rely on exports to the US market as well. It would have been affected