Why Writing Essays in English is Hard for Student?
Why writing essays in English is hard for student? Because they don't know how to start writing content to directly by topic. Difficult thing is to summarize to end the essay writing. Sometimes there are some limitations on what to write, so it cannot be written as needed. To write an essay in English need to know the structure, grammar, writing style and remember many vocabulary words. Some words in the English vocabulary are difficult spell and vocabulary is mostly used semi-formal language which is different from the language used in speech. Certainly the most are conversant with the use of the spoken language rather than semi-formal language. Therefore, we must use the levels of language to correctly. Remember English vocabulary a lot words, spell English vocabulary too accurately and knowing the grammar structure. When we have a good basis, it is easier to write an essay.
In the first place, make the essay is easy to writing must study seek knowledge, remember English vocabulary a lot words, practice writing the English vocabulary to correctly and study understanding the principles to writing the essay. When understand and remember these things will be able to write essays in English well. Don't forget to look at the structure, syntax how is? If the structure, syntax not correctly, it will make the essay distorted. When finished writing the essay should be checked, if the error to be corrected before submission.
In the second place, practice is what makes writing essays in English is easy. In my opinion, should find the sample essay, let's see a simple example and then try to write. When finished to a teacher or expert check. When I know the error and a point to must a fix in the essay, it will allow us to know how to write correctly. When practicing and fix frequently, it will be remember and can apply the knowledge gained from the experiment writing once before, used to write the next time.
Lastly, open-minded, listen to suggestions for new and inspiring yourself, it will be allows a creative idea and can write essays in English out well. Avoid using words that are difficult to perform the story try to use simple vocabulary, but it must be the grammar structure correct as well and be careful a little error overlooked. However, if an essay in English is difficult for students. Should solve the problem let be a point, gradually understanding. Of course, from difficult it may become that easy.
In conclusion, writing essays in English, it's really difficult for the students. Detailed many steps, requires a deep understanding, so writing essays in English it becomes difficult to write. But if wants to give the skills to writing better, should diligently keep practicing review the lesson, study seek knowledge remember English vocabulary words often. Good writing must use the good words and good ideas.