A total of 103 cases of Acute Renal Failure of varied aetiology were seen in the Department of
Nephrourology, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi, during the period 1975-82. Four cases
presented with history of jaundice, anaemia, fever with or without rigors and oliguria and on
investigation were found to have G-6 P.D. deficiency. The 4 patients were young males of age group
16-25 years. They were given some drugs e.g. anti-malarials, by their family physicians before
admission in the Renal Unit.
They were managed by Haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or conservatively. All recovered and renal
function became normal.
Whenever a patient presents with mild jaundice, severe anaemia and acute renal failure, a great degree
of suspicion of G-6-P.D. deficiency is required. Such cases do recover after proper management