the writer's own position on the issues is clear.
it is clear what the reasons are for the writer's point of view.
the writer's conclusion is clear and based on the evidence.
reasons are presented in a logical order, as a line of reasoning.
the argument is well structured and easy to follow.
reasons are clearly linked to one another and to the conclusion.
all the text is relevant to the assignment.
the main reasons are key points stand out clearly to the reader.
the writer makes good use of the other people's research as supporting evidence to strengthen the argument.
does the writer make a reasoned evaluation of the other people's views,especially those that contradict his or her own point of view?
does the writer provide references in the text when introducing other prople's ideas?
does the writer provide a list of references at the end of the essay?
has the writer successfully removed any non-essential descriptive writing?
dors the writing contain any inconsistencies?
are the writer's beliefs or self-interests unfairly distorting the argument?