An exhibit's visible features were coded by four parameters. We
coded the exhibit's size, with 0 representing sizes smaller or equal
to DIN A4 (A4 ¼ 21.0 29.7 cm; N ¼ 947) and 1 representing sizes
larger than DIN A4 (N ¼ 261). Next, we coded whether an exhibit
was in color or black and white (1 ¼ color, N ¼ 316; 0 ¼ black/white,
N ¼ 892). We also coded whether the exhibit was a piece of writing
or another type of object (1 ¼ writings, N ¼ 890; 0 ¼ other object
(e.g., the christening robe of Thomas Mann, N ¼ 318). Finally,
authenticity of the exhibits was coded with 0 representing less
authentic exhibits (N ¼ 595) and 1 representing more authentic
exhibits (N ¼ 613). Whereas printed documents such as books and
typewritten documents were considered to be less authentic,
handwritten documents and memorabilia of the authors were
considered to be more authentic.