Finally, to test the moderating effect of market turbulence in the relationship between CRM practices and
organizational performance, this study use hierarchical multiple regression analysis suggested by Hayes’s (2013)
step. Table 4 provides the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis to access the effects of market
turbulence. To test moderation analysis, this study particular be looking at the interaction effect between CRM
practices and market turbulence and whether or not such an affect is significant in predicting organizational
performance. The predictor variables were entered into the regression equation in the first step, this study
accounted for 41% of the total variance in organizational performance. There was a significant decrease in
explained variance in the organizational performance (R square change = 37.0; p < 0.00) when the interaction
variables were entered into the equation in the final step. In terms of the moderating influence of market
turbulence between CRM practices and organizational performance, the effect of CRM practices on
organizational performance is positively affect (ß = 0.36, sig. 0.40). Thus the findings is not supported the
moderating effect of market turbulence in the relationship between CRM practices and organizational performance. Therefore H5 is rejected.
Table 4 Results of Hierarchical Regression Analysis – Testing the Interaction Effect of Market Turbulence
against CRM Practices on Organizational Performance
Finally, to test the moderating effect of market turbulence in the relationship between CRM practices andorganizational performance, this study use hierarchical multiple regression analysis suggested by Hayes’s (2013)step. Table 4 provides the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis to access the effects of marketturbulence. To test moderation analysis, this study particular be looking at the interaction effect between CRMpractices and market turbulence and whether or not such an affect is significant in predicting organizationalperformance. The predictor variables were entered into the regression equation in the first step, this studyaccounted for 41% of the total variance in organizational performance. There was a significant decrease inexplained variance in the organizational performance (R square change = 37.0; p < 0.00) when the interactionvariables were entered into the equation in the final step. In terms of the moderating influence of marketturbulence between CRM practices and organizational performance, the effect of CRM practices onorganizational performance is positively affect (ß = 0.36, sig. 0.40). Thus the findings is not supported themoderating effect of market turbulence in the relationship between CRM practices and organizational performance. Therefore H5 is rejected.Table 4 Results of Hierarchical Regression Analysis – Testing the Interaction Effect of Market Turbulenceagainst CRM Practices on Organizational Performance
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