Pathernakh is an important cultivar of Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia
Burm, Nakai) occupying prominent position in northern India. In
the recent past, the cultivation of Pathernakh pear fruits has
caught the imagination of fruit growers of Punjab because of
high returns, long productive life and wider adaptability to
agro-climatic conditions. The fruits of this cultivar are liked very
much by the consumers due to crisp texture and juicy pulp
after adequate ripening. However the postharvest losses of
fruits during transportation and marketing are very high under
prevailing hot and humid conditions, because the fruits are highly
susceptible to bruise or compression injuries during harvesting
and packaging. Such injuries are rarely noticeable at the initial
stages, but progress gradually and become prominent afterwards
resulting in excessive softening and rotting of the fruits. Therefore,
it is desirable to have postharvest treatments, which could reduce
the losses and maintain quality of the fruits during storage.
Calcium dips have been used as a firming agent to extend the
postharvest shelf-life of a wide range of fruits and vegetables
such as apples1, peaches2, tomatoes3 etc. In the present
investigation an attempt has been made to find out the optimum
concentration of calcium chloride, which helps in maintaining the
firmness and improve the quality of pear fruits during storage and