The dramatic downscaling and integration of chemical assays make microfabricated chip devices extremely attractive as environmental-monitoring screening tools and hold consider- able promise for effective field monitoring of priority pollutants [1,2]. Particularly attractive for on-site environmental applications are the small dimensions of microchip devices, their minimal solvent/reagent consumption and waste production, speed and high degree of integration. The significant improvement in the rate of waste generation and material consumption is of enormous implications to green chemistry [2]. Electrochemical detection offers great promise for chip-based environmental-monitoring systems, with features that include inherent miniaturization and integration of both the detector and control (potentiostatic) instrumentation, high sensitivity, low-power requirements, low cost, and high compatibility with advanced microfabrication and micromachining technologies [3,4]. Such properties make electrochemical detection extremely attractive for creating truly portable field-deployable microsystems. The versatility of microchip devices holds great promise for developing novel protocols for efficient environmental monitoring.