Lane brings the cigarette case on a silver plate.
Jack : Have you had my case all this time?
Algernon take the cigarette case. Lane goes out.
Algernon : (Opening the case and looking inside) a Well , what do I see here ? This isn't you cigarette case.
Jack : Of course it's mine!
Algernon (Reading) 'From little Cecily, with love.' You don't know anyone with that name, so it can't be yours.
Jack : If you really want to know , Cecily is my aunt.
Algernon : Your aunt! So why 'little Cecily'?
Jack : Well , some aunts are tall, some are not.
Algernon :Yes , but why does this small aunt say 'from little Cecily , with love to her Uncle jack'? You aren't her uncle. And you name isn't jack, it's Ernest
Jack : It isn't Ernest,it's jack.
Algernon : You've always told me that it was Ernest. You answer to the name of Ernest. You answer to the name of Ernest. You're the most earnest-looking person that I've ever met. Look , your name's even on your cards. (He takes a card from the case , and reads it.) 'Mr Ernest Worthing,B4,The Albany.'
Jack : Well, I'm Ernest in town and jack in the country, and I got the cigarette case in the country.
Algernon : Ah,I knew that you were a secret Bunburyist!