4.3 Trade-offs in the Mekong
As we saw in the Introductory chapter, IWRM is an inherently political process. It envisages a balance between the 3Es, but it is not clear how to achieve this. Conflict between the demands of the three goals is also likely. Various actors will favour different goals and argue that more weight should be given to one over the others. Consequently, IWRM involves the meditation of conflicts of interest (Jonch- Clausen 2004). As the three goals may be antagonistic, trade-offs are necessary. Trade-offs are difficult to achieve as they involve a number of actors and competing interest. They are also controversial as they involve sacrifice the part of some on actors. It is important to note that different actors have different power capabilities and that political bargaining and decision making are necessary. In order to make informed choices, good quality information and knowledge is required that is disseminated amongst various stakeholders.