This paper formulates a model for estimating the probability to collect a given amount of data from a class of WSNs with cluster-tree topology.
Based on the analytic model of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC, the probability of successful node transmission ps is extended to the probabilities of successful collection at cluster P(x=k) and at the xxx node P(X ≥ k), respectively.
A numerical example has been provided to demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed model to answer the likeliness of the completed collect scenario.
Consequently, we investigate analysis probabilistic modeling and improved reliability of data transmission of xxx WSNs that it provides the total node size (Ntotal) =100 node, this a study is the effects of various different networks of probability properties, classifier uniform typologies in deviation from increasing the number total node (Ntotal) set of the number child node in each cluster.
The model is able to determine deploy node in each cluster to collect data that it evaluated depending on the probability distribution function on the following: the probability density as a Logistic distributed, the inverse cumulative distribution and survivor function that it was expressed a higher express the probability of successful reception at the xxx node.
This paper contributes to develop a performance probabilistic model that analysis WSNs are composed of collected and reliability of data transmission due to investigate in the higher percentage the probabilities of successful collection rate and is suitable for the usage or the maximum network is able to find a certain confidence interval for that percentile.