The results indicate that the performance of the two companies was at a similar level in
terms of their VAICe and this was also the case in the ICE. Whilst these results do not
appear to be consistent with the findings of Kujansivu and Lonnqvist (2007) It should
be noted that their study did not include the hotel industry but rather examined
industries that could be considered closely related to the type of operations that would
be expected in a hotel. Perhaps further research might seek to establish an industry
standard for hotels and may provide further insight concerning whether these findings
are within the normal range for efficient use of intellectual capital or not.
The principles and propositions presented in this study are arguably the first step in
establishing a basis for interpreting the results derived from the use of VAICe at an
individual firm level. The general nature of the principles and propositions is
considered to be consistent with other forms of financial analysis and this should make
the model more useful where industry norms are not readily available. The use of the
principles and propositions should broaden the general applicability of the VAICe
model by providing an alternative approach to the interpretation of financial
accounting statements by management, shareholders and other interested parties.