1. Computer-based information system (42)
2. Control (63)
3. Data (68)
4. Data or information processing (69)
5. Data resources (67)
6. Developing successful information system solutions (52)
7. E-business (46)
8. E-business applications (46)
9. E-commerce ( 4 7)
10. Enterprise collaboration systems ( 4 7)
11 . Extra net ( 46)
12. Feedback (63)
13 . Hardware resources ( 66)
a. Machines (66)
b. Media (66)
14. Information (68)
a. Information products (69)
15. Information system (3 8)
16. Information system activities (69)
a. Input (69)
b. Processing (69)
c. Output (69)
d. Storage (70)
e. Control (70)
17. Information system model (65)
18. Intranet (46)
19. Knowledge workers (66)
20. Management information systems (49)
21. Network resources (68)
22 . People resources (66)
a. IS specialists ( 66)
b. End users (66)
23. Roles of IS in business (42)
a. Support of business processes and operations (42)
b. Support of business decision making (42)
c. Support of strategies for competitive advantage (43)
24. Software resources (67)
a. Programs (67)
b. Procedures (67)
25 . System (60)
26 . Types of information systems (47)
a. Cross-functional informational systems ( 49)
b. Management support systems (48)
c. Operations support systems (47)
d. Functional business systems (49)
e. Transaction processing systems (48)
f Process control systems (48)
g. Enterprise collaboration systems ( 48)