The content of active molecules viz.; phenolics and anthocyanins were drastically increased in ice creams prepared by adding FWL. Ice cream from control contained only 0.018 mg/g phenolics and in case of T5 this value was 0.396 mg/g. The increment was about 22 folds. Same trend was found in anthocyanins also. But increment in anthocyanins content was only 2.59 folds. The antioxidant activity which was measured in terms of DPPH assay was also significantly increased with addition of FWL quantity in ice cream. Ice cream from T5 was noted with antioxidant activity of 1.95 mg/g while in control it was only 1.59 mg/g. Wine lees exhibited strong antioxidant activity due to its high phenolic content, proanthocyanidin and resveratrol.
Negro et al. (2003) noted that on addition of wine lees in ice cream, antioxidant property was influenced significantly.
Enhanced antioxidant activity, anthocyanins and polyphenol
content in ice cream was also recorded by adding wine lees
(Hwang et al. 2009) and pomegranate extract (Sagdic et al.
2011). The addition of FWL improved colour of ice cream
also. The colour intensity of ice cream in control was 3.12
and it was increased up to value of 8.28 in T5. The increment
was about 265 % (Table 2). Colour intensity of wine
lees was higher and resulted in significant increase in colour
intensity. The colour intensity of ice cream was also studied
by using cactus pulp in ice-cream (El-Samahy et al. 2009).
Colour appeared in ice cream due to mainly anthocyanins
present in cactus pulp. Anthocyanins maintain their appearance
over a wide range of pH range from 4 to 7 and this
property makes anthocyanins an ideal pigment for colouring
food stuff (Krifa et al. 1994).