The way we speak immediately conveys something A broad definition of pronunciation includes both about ourselves to the people around us. Learners suprasegmental and segmental features. Although with good pronunciation in English are more likely to these different aspects of pronunciation are treatedbe understood even if they make errors in other areas, in isolation here, it is important to remember that whereas learners whose pronunciation is difficult to they all work in combination when we speak, and understand will not be understood, even if their are therefore usually best learned as an integral part grammar is perfect! Such learners may avoid speak- of spoken language. The theory outlined below is essential for teachers so that they understand how in English, and thus experience social isolation, these different aspects work, but learners do not employment difficulties and limited opportunities necessarily need to cover the theory in depth. It is for further study, which may affect their settlement the practice that concerns them most! in Australia. We also often judge people by the way they speak, and so learners with poor pronunciation Traditional approaches to pronunciation have often may be judged as incompetent, uneducated or focused on segmental aspects, largely because these lacking in knowledge, even though listeners are only relate in some way to letters in writing, and are reacting to their pronunciation. Yet many adult therefore the easiest to notice and work on. More recent approaches to pronunciation, however, have learners find pronunciation one of the most difficult suggested that the suprasegmental aspects of pro-aspects of English to acquire, and need explicit help ponunciation may have the most effect on intelligibility from the teacher (Morley 1994; Fraser 2000). Surveys for some speakers. Usually learners benefit from of student needs consistently show that our learners attention to both aspects, and some learners may feel the need for pronunciation work in class need help in some areas more than in others. This (eg Willing 1989). Thus some sort of pronunciation overview starts with suprasegmental features. One work in class is essential