We assign the next procedure, Dacklnfo, (see Figure GS21.14) to the"Continue" button on the firs input shoct. The proccdurc bogins with two orror chocks to cnsure that the dock tablc has bcen complotcly fillcc and that thc dock frcqucncics sum to zcro. Wc then determine the X and Y coordinates for each dock. Knowing that the docks are placed adjacent to the warehouse area and given the bay numbers to which each dock is adjacent, we can find the dock coordinates by determining which border the adjacent bay is un. If the adjacent bay is on the top or bottom border of the warehouse area(that is, on the first or last row), then the X coordinate is zero or one more than the number of rows, respectively. The Y coordinate the same as the Y coordinate of the adjacent bay. If the adjacent bay is on the left right border of the warehouse area(that is, on the first or last column), t the coordinate is zero on one more than the number of columns, respectively. The X ccordinate is the same as that of the adjacent bay. We also record the dock frequencies into an array. Finally, we take the users to the