A study was conducted on the understandings of the accepted model of ionic substances that are held
by participants at all levels of the chemical education system in Croatia, including secondary school
students, university students, and chemistry teachers. We follow the research of Taber who found that a
diagram of a layer of a sodium chloride crystal can be perceived by students as due to electrostatic
attractions, consistent with the currently accepted view, or in an alternative molecular framework in
which ionic bonding is seen as the process of electron transfer from one atom to another. A Croatian
translation of the instrument used by Taber was administered to 650 secondary school students, 264
tertiary undergraduate students, and 86 teachers of chemistry at the secondary level. It was found that
significant percentages of the participants, including teachers, interpreted the diagram with conceptions
consistent with the molecular framework. Significant numbers of participants at all levels showed
evidence of beliefs consistent with Taber’s categories of a history conjecture (ionic bonds exist only
between the partners in electron transfer), a valency conjecture (the number of ionic bonds that an ion
can form is dependent on the electron configuration of the parent atom and is related to the number of
electrons gained or removed to form a ‘‘stable octet’’), and a ‘‘just forces’’ conjecture (ionic bonds
involve something more than forces of attraction). The existence of alternative conceptions of ionic
bonding at all levels of the education system, including among the teachers, is a situation of
considerable concern. Obviously the pedagogical content knowledge of teachers cannot be based on
an inadequate level of content knowledge. Remedial action seems to be important. As a first step, we
speculate on the possible sources of the alternative conceptions. This includes an analysis of the
chemical validity of the subject matter that is commonly presented in textbooks.
A study was conducted on the understandings of the accepted model of ionic substances that are heldby participants at all levels of the chemical education system in Croatia, including secondary schoolstudents, university students, and chemistry teachers. We follow the research of Taber who found that adiagram of a layer of a sodium chloride crystal can be perceived by students as due to electrostaticattractions, consistent with the currently accepted view, or in an alternative molecular framework inwhich ionic bonding is seen as the process of electron transfer from one atom to another. A Croatiantranslation of the instrument used by Taber was administered to 650 secondary school students, 264tertiary undergraduate students, and 86 teachers of chemistry at the secondary level. It was found thatsignificant percentages of the participants, including teachers, interpreted the diagram with conceptionsconsistent with the molecular framework. Significant numbers of participants at all levels showedevidence of beliefs consistent with Taber’s categories of a history conjecture (ionic bonds exist onlybetween the partners in electron transfer), a valency conjecture (the number of ionic bonds that an ioncan form is dependent on the electron configuration of the parent atom and is related to the number ofelectrons gained or removed to form a ‘‘stable octet’’), and a ‘‘just forces’’ conjecture (ionic bondsเกี่ยวข้องกับขึ้นกองที่น่าสนใจ) การดำรงอยู่ของแนวทางเลือกของไอออนพันธะทั้งหมดคือระดับของระบบการศึกษา รวมทั้งในหมู่ครู สถานการณ์ของกังวลมาก เห็นได้ชัดว่าความรู้เนื้อหาที่สอนของครูที่มีอยู่ระดับความรู้ในเนื้อหาไม่เพียงพอ ดำเนินการแก้ไขน่าจะ เป็นสิ่งสำคัญ ก้าวแรก เราเก็งกำไรในมาของแนวทางเลือก ซึ่งรวมถึงการวิเคราะห์การถูกต้องที่เคมีของเรื่องที่นำเสนอในตำราเรียนทั่วไป
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