A member of the cruciferous vegetable family, along with broccoli, kale, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, cabbage has long been recognized for its healing powers. One reason is the cancer fighting sulfur compounds. Another is that fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C are considered a natural antibiotic and a one-cup serving of cabbage provides about 75 percent of your daily adult allowance. Cabbage juice is highly recommended in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Drink half a cup of fresh cabbage juice 2-3 times a day, between meals for two weeks. Add half a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered honey and sip slowly, even chewing a bit to get the enzymes going. Topically, raw cabbage leaves applied to tender breasts can relieve inflammation from mastitis, fibro cysts and menstrual breast tenderness.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/common-foods-herbs-with-antibiotic-properties.html#ixzz36KCP7gMO