„Wants initially, I to trigger the ancient times immortal needle, has actually consumed many physical strengths, therefore in Ancient Immortal Pond, has rested good.”
„When however I adjust my condition, from Ancient Immortal Pond comes out, actually discovered that Yuan Qing snatched my merit.”
„And, then situation, I had not to talk clearly, if I revealed Yuan Qing at the scene, instead is considered that I was a liar.”
„Adds on again, I thought at that time that this is only a glory, I do not have anything, therefore has not then haggled over with Yuan Qing.”
„But has not thought that I do not haggle over with this Yuan Qing, because Yuan Qing actually I once had contradicted his several, but everywhere aims in me, when seizes leads, in secret tracks in me, wants to strike a vicious blow to me darkly.”
„My Chu Feng is a human, but is far from a sage. Facing so mean and shameless, sinister vicious, aggressive Yuan Qing, naturally cannot exercise forbearance repeatedly.”
„Therefore I then thwart, set this trap, making Yuan Qing have the opportunity to receive fraudulently the snare of my merit.”
„However reason that I design this snare, to reveal the Yuan Qing crime, why this is I designs the reason of snare.” The Chu Feng sound like the thunder, every single word or phrase, narrated the process of matter truthfully.
„Originally is this, then, this Yuan Qing also is really mean and shameless, was too hateful.”
„Is, how among the world to have such person, this talented person should be left Cyanwood Mountain by expel, he does not match to make Cyanwood Mountain disciple.”
„Oh, Orion Monastery Elder, but also kept on proclaiming for the Yuan Qing guarantee, looked that this they also had any words to say.”
„Snort, Orion Monastery wants taking advantage of Yuan Qing, to gain the advantage in Cyanwood Mountain, is the jackals from the same lair, is not the good bird.”
Hears this words, many people on the scene, do not live in the nod, in the face of the Chu Feng powerful strength, they chose to believe without hesitation Chu Feng words, they thought that what Chu Feng said was real.
At once, the increasing number of people start to spurn Yuan Qing, accuses Yuan Qing, is Yuan Qing is spurned by the people incessantly, Orion Monastery was also spurned, at this moment, Orion Alliance all members, lowered the head, they were really the feeling do not have the face to see the human, but these Orion Monastery Elder, were the complexion is paler, felt that threw the family disgraced.
„ Chu Feng, you talked irresponsibly, nonsense, you said that Commander Flag was you captures, but you ancient times the merit of immortal needle snatched including triggering unexpectedly. 〃
„Works to have one, but you actually depend your cultivation to be stronger than Yuan Qing, the talent is better than Yuan Qing, confuses right and wrong, robs to belong to Yuan Qing all merit, but also changes from guest to host, said that was Yuan Qing has stolen your merit, your this also went too far.”
„Chu Feng, I want to ask one, how cultivates the behavior can shameless to your this situation, are you also concerned about face?” However at this moment, Orion Monastery Half Emperor level Elder, actually over the face angry reprimanding Chu Feng, that appearance, he wishes one could to eat Chu Feng while still alive.
Seizes to lead, after all captures every year of some people, even if the people thought that seizes the commander-in-chief is Chu Feng does, that nothing.
However triggering ancient times the immortal needle, this honor may too be big, that is since the ancient times, matter that only then Qing Xuantian person of achieving.
Although, present Yuan Qing, became the object who the people despise, but they must help Yuan Qing preserve triggering ancient times immortal needle glory.