Learning Mathematics is considered difficult by the majority of students. One of the reasons is that in the classical Mathematics
class the students are taught first the theory and then they are asked to resolve certain exercises and problems which have more or
less algorithmic solutions use more or less self reasoning and are seldom connected with the real world activities. One of the
approaches to overcome this situation is the use of “Maths Project” in the day by day classroom activities. The role of this
method is threefold: teaching, learning and assessing. This paper describes a classroom experiment by using the Maths Project.
At the end of the experiment we have analysed the students’ performance obtained in the grade 8 national evaluation. We have
noticed a significant difference in results between the experiment and the control groups, taking also into account the difference
in pre-testing, which made us verified the experimental hypothesis, namely the “Maths Project determinates better students
learning than other classic methods”.