Lei Cheng is not a fool, having played politics for years. He could infer what Yue Zhong is saying from his speech. He looked very unhappy and tried to grab Yue Zhong’s power by saying: “Yue Zhong, you are willing to bring soldiers to support our camp. This indicated that you were a man who has his country in his heart, and a hero who is willing to fight to protect his fellow man and country. Right now, you should be aware of the situation. If we cannot stand together as one, it would be impossible to fight against the 100,000 throng of zombies.
Only by having a single chain of command can we maximise the use of troops to defeat the zombies. I hope you can reconsider the big picture, and follow my orders. Let us fight as one to protect the citizens.”
Lei Cheng was hoping that Yue Zhong will gift command of his soldier to him. Yue Zhong forces were quite strong, and is very good cannon fodqder.
Yue Zhong just ignored Lei Cheng words and immediately state his terms and conditions. “3,000 tonnes of food, 100,000 ammunition, 30 Tang Imitation Swords, 20 newbie staff, 5 tonnes of petrol. If you want me and my men to fight against the zombie with all I have, you must give me all these items. If you don’t, I will immediately take all my men with me and leave the camp.”
Lei Cheng’s face become green with rage as he barked out: “You are taking advantage of the situation to rob us!”
Yue Zhong just coldly replied. “I have no relationship with this camp. Why do I need to bring my men and I to fight with these zombies and die? I am just a mercenary group that you hire to bring my troops to fight with you. The fact that I am willing to risk my life for your camp is already an act of mercy. As a mercenary group, did you really expect me to expend my own food and ammunition supplies to fight for you for free? Are you still dreaming? “
As far as Yue Zhong is concerned, all the talk that Lei Cheng had said is nothing but bullshit. If he really becomes the hero as spoken by Lei Cheng, the only fate waiting for him is the life of a vagabond. After Lei Cheng had used him, Lei Cheng would not hesitate to discard him.