Recruitment and employmentRecruitment is the process of generating a pool of candidatesfrom which to select the appropriate person to fill a jobvacancy, which is composed of recruitment, selection andemployment. In this survey, 80.6% of firms have prepareddescriptions of job positions, these firms and even thosefirms without job analysis definitely agree that the require-ments of job provides the basis for developing a personspecification. When asked about the source of recruitment,65.67% of firms give priority to internal sources and turnto external sources only when necessary. 47.76% of firms fillleader positions exclusively from internal sources. Regardingthe sources of recruitment, 61.19% of firms choose tocooperate with universities and vocational schools; 74.63%of firms cooperate with labour markets and governmentemployment organizations; 32.84% of firms hire temporaryemployees through employment agents; 43.28% of firms paythe professional recruitment agencies to look for appropri-ate employees; 20.9% of firms use other sources such asinternal employee recommendation, recruitment websites.Most firms have structured job analysis and descriptions butstill need to improve the system. More than half of firmsprefer internal sources to fill ordinary job vacancies, but forleader position, more than half of firms choose both internaland external sources to find the most competent candidates.Concerning the question on selection, the surveyedmanager was required to rank a certain characteristicsof candidate based on importance to employer, such aseducational and professional knowledge and skills, workexperience, social abilities and personality, social sta-tus, references of previous employers, recommendation ofknown persons or existing staff and others. The answersdemonstrate much more varieties than similarities. This sug-gests that each firm has its own values on account of thecorporate culture, the nature of business, size and other fac-tors. There are many methods to select employee, resumeanalysis is the most used and adopted by 85.07% firms,Assessment Center is used by only 11.94% of companies.The final decision is made by the head of department wherestaffing requirement originated in 71.12% of firms. Full-timeemployees make up the majority in the surveyed firms,68.66% of firms have more than 80% full-time employees,13.43% of companies hired 5—10% temporary labours.