Every day the Captain asked if any sailors had come to the inn.
We thought he was lonely, but we learned that he was hiding from the sailors. The Captain asked me to tell him if I ever saw a sailor with only one leg. I had nightmares about the one-legged sailor. I was sure he must be a pirate.
On a cold winter morning, not long after the Captain had left the inn for his daily walk, a stranger came to the inn. He was a scary-looking man, missing two fingers on one of his hands. He alsibcarried a sword. "Does my friend Billy stay here?" he asked.Black Dog ran out of the inn and down the road. The Captain fell on the floor and we had to call the doctor. Dr. Livesey said the Captain would die unless he stopped drinking. When the Captain was feeling stronger, he told me some secrets. "Jim listen, some sailors want the contents of my wooden box "
Far back in the seventeenth century my father ran an inn in England. One day a sailor who was carrying a big wooden box came to stay at our inn. We all wondered what was in the box. We called him Captain. He had a cut across one cheek. I remember him singing an old sea song.