The attributes associated with realization and sacrifice provide the basis for the objectives
and measures that will lead to improving the core outcomes. The objectives for
the sacrifice side of the value equation are the simplest: decrease price and decrease
post-purchase costs. Selling price and post-purchase costs are important measures of
value creation. Decreasing these costs decreases customer sacrifice, and, thus, increases
customer value. Increasing customer value should impact favorably on most of the core
objectives. Similar favorable effects can be obtained by increasing realization. Realization
objectives, for example, would include the following: improve product functionality,
improve product quality, increase delivery reliability, and improve product image
and reputation. Possible measures for these objectives include, respectively, feature satisfaction
ratings, percentage of returns, on-time delivery percentage, and product recognition
rating. Of these objectives and measures, delivery reliability will be used to
illustrate how measures can affect managerial behavior, indicating the need to be careful
in the choice and use of performance measures