Influence of COO on product evaluation of mobile phones by Indian consumers: an empirical study
Saikat Banerjee and Bibek Ray Chaudhuri
Saikat Banerjee and Bibek Ray Chaudhuri are based at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), Kolkata, India.
Abstract Purpose – Thepurposeofthisstudyistoattempttoaddresstheeffectofcountryoforigin(COO)from three different dimensions, namely, country image (CI) effect, COO image effect and awareness level about the COO of the brand and its resultant effect on product evaluation (PrEva). Further, the brand awareness, level of involvement and the COO interaction effect on consumer PrEva has also been studied to indicate the intensity of COO impact. Due to rapid globalization and reduction in trade barriers, major emerging economics from Asia witnessed entry of cross-border brands into their markets. India, as an emerging economy, has also followed the trend. In this backdrop, the present study is proposed for a better understanding of the effect of COO on PrEva.