Chile has been a member of the world intellectual property organization. (WIPO) since 1980 and has 2518.
Signing of the Convention on the rights of the intellectual property (IPR), multiple (table 3.7.1 calibrating compass) after it,
Satya Elvis Treaty of Marrakech (Marrakesh Agreement), Chile has legislation with reference to the agreement of the World Trade Organization concerning protection of intellectual property rights aspects relating to international trade (Trade-Related.
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement: TRIPS)
The laws protecting intellectual property rights by law No. 17.336 Chile is down 2 October 2513 and regulations followed. The rules on the allocation of the benefits of intellectual rights and legislation that defines the rules for exclusive rights, intellectual, industrial.
Protection of industrial and intellectual property rights regulations that came. The law
These cover most of the contents specified in the TRIPS Agreement (table 3.7.1 calibrating compass).