.Cooperation in the field of nuclear disarmament
Kazakhstan voluntarily renounced the fourth largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In 1995, Kazakhstan acceded
to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and received strong international warranties from the
leading nuclear powers among which was the U.S. Kazakhstan made a significant contribution in providing both
regional and international security. The Administration of George W. Bush recognized the achievements of
Kazakhstan in this direction. American administration feared of possible incidents of leakage of radioactive
material, and was aimed at preventing any unauthorized using of the materials. This thesis was confirmed in a joint
declaration of the two countries leaders in December 2001. Presidents of two states called for a policy of accounting
and physical protection of materials needed for the production of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
(Erekesheva, 2002). U.S. leaders highly appreciated the participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the
Cooperative Threat Reduction program, better known as “Nunn-Lugar”, which was initiated by two U.S. Senators
(Sultanov, 2008).
In April 2010, during the Global Nuclear Security Summit President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and
the U.S. President Barack Obama made a joint statement. In the statement were noted the close cooperation in
reducing nuclear threats in Kazakhstan and around the world, as well as the decommissioning of a nuclear reactor
BN-350 in Aktau. The President of Kazakhstan in his interview mentioned that the government of the Republic of
Kazakhstan recognized the inalienable right of Iran to peaceful nuclear power for peaceful resolution of all issues
related to its nuclear program. President Nazarbayev also spoke at the Summit with the initiative to host nuclear fuel
bank in Kazakhstan. The U.S. side supported this idea.