Drivers aged 75 years or older have a higher risk (per distance traveled) of being killed in a car crash than any other age group. In a study released by highway traffic safety administration in 2009, statistic shows that 16% of traffic fatalities were among people age 65 and older. According to a Carnigie Mellon university study, "The facility rate for drivers 75 and older is four times higher than it is for teenagers who are usually pegged as our most reckless drivers." this proves that there are more risks in elderly people and that they are dangerous on the road. Therefore they are more likely to get involved in a vehicle crash.
With this Make the resistance from many groups. By this group Think of should elders over the age 65 be allowed to drive By giving a reason Diverse They considered
Elderly are normal people, so why not? In my opinion, the elderly should be allowed to drive. because they are more experienced, and they are careful most
Age isn't the Issue In general old people are less likely to cause accidents than young people. They frequently go to the Doctors office and are checked for eyesight, hearing etc. Also elderly people rarely drive recklessly but rather they drive slower and driving slower