Dear Kullanan,
Thank you for your email and the interest in the two upcoming meetings of UN-CTS focal points and the TAG for the ICCS. Having been in contact with Dr. Janekarn as the UN-CTS focal point and having discussed the use of crime classifications and crime statistics in Thailand before, I am positive that the meetings can be useful for both participants from Thailand and you are certainly welcome to attend as delegate to the TAG and observer.
At this stage, we only have a draft agenda for the UN-CTS meeting (see attached), and an outline of the topics of both meetings in the invitation. For your information, the time of the TAG will be Thursday 9:30 - 17:30 and Friday 9:30 - 13:00.
I have also provided some background materials on crime victimization surveys (the Latin America Crime Victimization Survey instruments) and corruption and access to justice surveys in Nigeria to Dr. Janekarn, if this is of interest to you we could try to find some time at the margins of the meeting to discuss further questions.