Thanks for your mail i really appreciate it, i am Rowland Heart from Asia dating site How are you today, with all due respect, am looking for a serious long term relationship that might lead to marriage and would really like to know what am getting myself into even before we get started because am very busy with my work and my time is precious to me. so please in details tell me the kind of a man you’re looking for and also let me know if you do like me because if you don't it will be a waste of time to keep communicating with you. i have gone through your profile before contacting you but on the site. i will also want you to know the that am a orthopedic surgeon and currently working with Red cross in Afghanistan and we only use satellite phones here and computers with no camera just for work even calls are not permitted you have to get proper permission to make a call and is monitored.That is why i want to relocate at the end of my contract in three weeks’ time to a country where i can leave a normal life with my partner if i find one. So please in details tell me everything about yourself. Also am trying to be careful too because a lot of people are scamming on sites. Please also provide me with your Skype ID for easy communication. This is my education qualification i received a BS degree from Duke University, and MD degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. I completed a fellowship in Plastic Surgery of the Breast and Reconstructive Microsurgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan, a residency in orthopedic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Chicago Hospitals; a residency in General Surgery at Brook dale Hospital Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, and an internship in surgery at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, New York. I have a daughter 21 years of age too
presently studying medicine in the UK. I really do like you a lot but I don’t know about you.