Effect of Methods of Learning and Self Regulated Learning
toward Outcomes of Learning Social Studies
Awaluddin Tjalla1* Evi Sofiah2
1. Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka Jakarta, Indonesia 13220
2. Mts Manba’ul Ulum, Batuceper City Tangerang Banten, Indonesia
This research aims to reveal the influence of learning methods and self-regulated learning on students learning
scores for Social Studies object. The research was done in Islamic Junior High School (MTs Manba'ul Ulum),
Batuceper City Tangerang using quasi-experimental method. The research employed simple random technique to
28 students. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and two-way design with treatment by
level 2 x 2. The findings of the research showed that: (1) Social Studies scores of students that were given
learning method peer tutoring is higher than the scores of those that were given the conventional method (2)
there is an interaction effect between self-regulated learning and peer tutoring learning method on Social Studies
scores of students, and (3) for students with high self-regulated learning, Social Studies scores which were given
using peer tutoring is higher than those given using conventional learning. Therefore the next research is
expected to find appropriate learning method for students with low self-regulated learning.
Keywords: methods of learning, self-regulated learning, learning outcomes of Social Studies