In a report on the health effects of wind turbines, the Minnesota Department of Health stated that “[t]he most common complaint in various studies of wind turbine effects on people is annoyance or an impact on quality of life.”21 Annoyance has been defined as “... a feeling of displeasure associated with any agent or condition, known or believed by an individual or group to adversely affect them ....”15 A causal chain exists between strong annoyance and increased morbidity,22 and chronically strong annoyance must be classified as a serious human health risk.23 Symptoms associated with annoyance include stress, sleep disturbance, headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, fatigue, dizziness or vertigo, tinnitus, anxiety, heart ailments and palpitation. 24–26 In western European countries, noise-induced sleep disturbance and annoyance are estimated to account for 903 000 and 587 000 disability-adjusted life years, respectively.27
Literature reviews have commented on the health effects of IWTs. Systematic audits of reviews reveal that some works contain errors of omission or commission.28 One recurring error of omission is the failure to disclose that IWT noise acting via the indirect pathway can cause health effects. A 2011 Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal considered evidence and testimony under oath and found that IWTs can be harmful to health if they are placed too close to residents.29 The tribunal decision also found that
Effectsofnoise-inducedannoyanceIn a report on the health effects of wind turbines, the Minnesota Department of Health stated that “[t]he most common complaint in various studies of wind turbine effects on people is annoyance or an impact on quality of life.”21 Annoyance has been defined as “... a feeling of displeasure associated with any agent or condition, known or believed by an individual or group to adversely affect them ....”15 A causal chain exists between strong annoyance and increased morbidity,22 and chronically strong annoyance must be classified as a serious human health risk.23 Symptoms associated with annoyance include stress, sleep disturbance, headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, fatigue, dizziness or vertigo, tinnitus, anxiety, heart ailments and palpitation. 24–26 In western European countries, noise-induced sleep disturbance and annoyance are estimated to account for 903 000 and 587 000 disability-adjusted life years, respectively.27IndustrialwindturbinescanbeharmfultohealthLiterature reviews have commented on the health effects of IWTs. Systematic audits of reviews reveal that some works contain errors of omission or commission.28 One recurring error of omission is the failure to disclose that IWT noise acting via the indirect pathway can cause health effects. A 2011 Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal considered evidence and testimony under oath and found that IWTs can be harmful to health if they are placed too close to residents.29 The tribunal decision also found that
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