The Studying data were to result and data collection, The dialect of community Ban Kongko Pichai District Uttaradit province. : Analytical meaning and comparison. This research study was amimed to meaning vocabulary of regional speech ban Kongko Pichai District Uttaradit province. And compared to official Thai vocabulary respecting of language change is a result of consonant tone system with slight differences
The resulting data collection of this research are from history book “Ban Kongko” collected nouns vocabulary of dialect ban Kongko to analytical and interpret
The dialect of Ban Kongko Pichai District Uttaradit province. In 68 Nouns vocabulary collected to compared Thai vocabulary respecting of language change is a result of consonant tone system with slight differences. The respecting of language change is a result of consonant tone system with slight differences from initial consonants, double consonants and final consonants total 15 word (22.05%) and the respecting of language change is a result of consonant tone system with differences total 53 word (77.94%)
Key Words : dialect : regional speech : consonant tone system