It was Vanilla ice cream, with a 1/2 teaspoon of real Vanilla extract (imported from America), 1 cup of fresh mild and two of the small bananas (ripe to perfection). I wanted to be thick and it was thick. The only problem was that you didn't get to drink it. I had to drink both of them and feel like I'm getting fat.
Your dream is coming along nicely. The two new samples will arrive in the U.S. on the 12th, only 4 days away, and go for evaluation. They have 350 Watt motors (not 250), a speedometer/odometer with LCD readout and a top speed, motor only, of 35kph. You would have a lot more fun riding it than your motorbike.
Using some of my old employees in China, I've put a program in place to do all the assembly in our own factory. It will mean more responsibility but better quality control and the ability to react to market changes very quickly.
I know you're wondering about the sourcing but I have all that worked out.
The final part of the marketing plan is in process. To maximize sales and profitability, I'm arranging for "0"% interest loans for 1 year to the purchasers.
Yes, I'm smart. How come I'm so stupid to keep believing that you might care for me?
I saw happiness in your eyes and would like it to be there for the rest of your life.
Now for the final part of the news. I will be leaving Chiang Mai on the 29th of September for my annual visit to the U.S. I've lost interest in the golf club so there's only one reason for me to come back. Guess.