This is Pitak from MIS 2 section.
For Improving of ATSG (All Toyota Security Guideline) activity and information security awareness in TTTC.
Firstly, we had been determined to Thai manager in each section be as representing of ATSG steering committee
But you can assign one of your team to operate the ATSG activity instead you.
So, We would like to invite each section to join the ATSG steering committee for implement the ATSG activity in your working area.
As a member of the ATSG steering committee, you will be provide the support for ATSG activity.
Below are some examples of how you can contribute to the goals of ATSG activity.
• Representing the confidential information management of your working area.
• Participating in monthly steering committee meetings
• Implement and handle with the confidential information to support ATSG activities
• Supporting outreach efforts to raise awareness about the ATSG activity in your working area.
Please confirm the representing person of your section to attend the ATSG steering committee by reply mail to me as soon as possible,
and no later than 30 September 2016.
If you any question please kindly contact me via 8-22- Ext no. 234
We look forward to meeting with you!
Thank you and best regard;
Pitak P.
Deputy Section Manager.