Makes your body alkaline– There is a saying- disease can’t exist in a body that is alkaline. Bad bacteria and fungi grows rapidly in acidic conditions only. Your body works best in alkaline body pH conditions. We hear people complaining of acidity, but we never heard anyone complaining of alkalinity. Hence, it makes sense when someone advises to avoid hyper acidity in your body. Lemon water can do wonders here. Lemon water can shift your body pH towards the alkaline direction quite easily. Lemon comes under the category of citrus fruits and hence, it can raise your eyebrows when someone says that lemon has high alkalizing properties. But it is true. Lemon is low in sugar and high in minerals. These minerals are alkaline in nature. These minerals would overpower sugar to give an alkaline effect. Once this lemon water enters your body, it ionizes readily with more number of anions (negative charged ions) than cations and its overall effect on body metabolism is highly alkaline. In short, lemon water metabolizes during digestion to give an overall alkaline effect. This alkalizing property of lemon water helps in maintaining your internal body fluid pH at an optimum level. The optimum body pH range is 7.35 to 7.45. Body pH indicates the level of oxygen in your body. Lower body pH means a lower amount of oxygen. Lower amount of oxygen means an open invitation to various diseases. Any drift in body pH towards acidic zone (less than 7) can increase the toxin level in your body triggering your psoriasis. Hence, maintaining optimum body pH (slightly alkaline) is crucial.
Read more: Body pH and Psoriasis
Read more: The best alkaline water recipe for Psoriasis
Aids in digestion– Stomach produces natural juices to digest the food you eat. Atomic structure of lemon juice (water) is similar to these natural juices. Hence regular intake of lemon water can aid in proper digestion of your food avoiding health issues like indigestion, bloating, heartburn and constipation. Also, citrus flavonoids in lemons act as a great digestive tonic by assisting the hydrochloric acid (stomach acids) in your stomach to break down the food properly to ensure perfect digestion.
Liver detoxification- Liver is the chief eliminatory organ of your body with prime responsibilities of eliminating body waste and toxins from your body on a continuous basis. It acts as your body’s filtration system. As in case of Psoriasis, there are high chances that your liver would be overloaded with high level of accumulated toxins and this continuous state of overworked liver ultimately make it impaired and less efficient. Regularly drinking warm lemon water can do wonders here. Lemon water contains d-limonene, an antioxidant. This antioxidant can active the enzymes in liver to speed up the detoxification process. Lemon water dissolves uric acid and other toxins and flushes out these sludge and residual toxins and going further, it helps in the digestion process by ensuring the increased production of bile salts. These bile salts help in the digestion of fats. Lemon water also decreases the amount of mucus and phlegm produced by the body. Hence, lemon water reduces the present toxin level and helps in avoiding any further chances of toxin accumulation. So, it is a win-win situation for you with lemon water :-)
Click here to read more: Body detoxification for Psoriasis
Decreases mucus and phlegm production- Mucus and phlegm are toxins that are produced by your body. The undigested food in your body started to decompose through the action of bad bacteria and fungi. Your body produces mucus and coat these undigested food to prevent further decomposition until these undigested foods reside in your intestine. Drinking lemon water can help in the elimination of these undigested foods by excreting mucus and phlegm from your body. It is my personal experience that mucus formation decreases by drinking lemon water.
Promotes healthy gut flora– Drinking warm lemon water can help in maintaining a healthy balance of gut flora and avoid any sort of yeast infection (Candida). Bad bacteria proliferation happens in an acidic environment. Lemon water neutralizes such acidic environments due to its powerful alkaline effect on internal body metabolism. Hence, lemon water can destroy the safe heavens of these bad bacteria and yeast to maintain a healthy gut flora.
Immunity booster– Drinking Lemon water is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Drinking lemon water regularly can strengthen your immunity system and hence your body will be able to defend against unwanted foreign substances like bacteria, virus and germs. Benefits of lemon water is fighting against common cold and the flu has been proved in various medical studies.
Helps in skin repair– Lemon contains a good proportion of vitamin C (40-50 mg per 100 grams) and antioxidants. Due to these nutrients, lemon water is an anti aging agent that helps proper cell regeneration to repair your skin. Also, it helps your body to comb